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Acro is a dance style characterized by strength and flexibility. It can include both prop-assisted and unassisted tumbling and floorwork skills.


Acro Requirements:

Acro is available at TTL for ages 5 and up. (Age 5 by September 1, 2024). Acro placement is based on guidelines provided by Acrobatic Arts. Any dancer taking Acro is also required to take a dance class. PLEASE CONTACT MS. RHONDA FOR PLACEMENT.


2024-25 Acro Schedule:

Acro 1 Tuesday 4:30pm - 5:15pm

Acro 2 Friday   4:30pm - 5:30pm

Acro 3 Friday   5:30pm - 6:45pm


Our year long curriculum is based on a 34-week season, which includes class instruction, dress rehearsal time, and picture day. Season 12 begins on Friday, September 6th, 2024.


Acro Dress Code:

Dancers should wear any color leotard and footless tights, leggings, or spandex shorts.  Form-fitting shirts are okay, but should cover torso entirely and not be played with or adjusted during class. Long hair should be securely tied back.


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