Studio Closings
Our year long curriculum is based on a 34 week season, which includes class instruction, dress rehearsal time, and picture day.
2024-2025 Scheduled Closings:
Wednesday, October 23rd WC Halloween Parade
Thursday, October 31st Halloween
Tuesday, Nov. 26th - Saturday, Nov. 30th Thanksgiving Break
Friday, Dec. 20th - Thurs., Jan. 2nd Winter Break
Monday, January 20th Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Monday, February 17th President's Day
Tuesday, April 15th - Monday, April 21st Spring Break
Friday, May 23rd - Monday, May 26th Memorial Day Weekend
Weather Related Closings:
If we need to close due to poor weather conditions, we will notify everyone by email, and we will post the information on social media. Generally we will follow the WCASD guidelines, including cancellation of after-school activities. If the weather turns bad in the afternoon, we will make our decision based on the weather report as best we can. It is not an easy decision to make, and we always consider the safety of all our dance families as well as instructors. All classes that are missed due to inclement weather will be made up before the end of the dance year.
Make-up Policy:
Same day absences should be texted to the studio phone, 484-547-5330. Planned absences can be entered into the portal by parents. If a child must miss class due to illness, travel, or school activity, a make up class can be scheduled. All classes should be made up before the end of the dance year. Please email Ms. Rhonda to schedule a makeup class.